Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tagged by LuvLee

LuvLee tagged me again! For this one I need to post 7 random facts about me, so here goes:

1. I was born in California

2. I "dated" my husband less than 2 weeks when we decided to get married (we were engaged for a year though).

3. I am deathly afraid of spiders. If I see one in a room with me I either throw up, scream, or run from the room like it is on fire.

4. I like snakes

5. My favorite color is green, but you won't find any in my house

6. My favorite movie is Gone in 60 Seconds

7. If I were green I'd look like Princess Fiona (and my husband looks a bit like Shrek...kinda odd)

I think everyone I would tag has been tagged, but if you are reading this and haven't been tagged - you just got tagged!


Lee said...

Are you tired of my Tagging yet?? LOL I can probably find some more!! ;) I love learning more about my Flybaby friends......and if we're ever in the same room and you spot a spider....I'd prefer if you ran and screamed!! LOL

UrgentCookie said...

We have a lot in common. :0) California baby, don't like spiders, like the movie Gone in 60 seconds. The new one is better than the old, but we own them both.