I got this list of question's from Ladydoc’s blog. IF you decide to take these questions and answer them on your BLOG please let me know so I can visit and learn more about you!
1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say? I’d be speechless for a few days, then I guess tell the hubby (who would be speechless for a few days)
2. When was the last time you flew in a plane? December of 2004 when I flew to MO to help parents move.
3. What did the last text message you sent say? I don’t send/receive text messages.
4. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? A sense of humor and arms that make me feel safe.
5. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? Finish putting all my new stamps on EZMount so I can use them.
6. Shoe size? 8 1/2W
7. Been to Mexico? Yes, during a couple cruises in the last 3 years.
8. When is the last time you had a massage? During one of those cruises to Mexico, cheap spa days when in port.
9. What was the last TV show you watched? Psych
10. What are your plans for the weekend? Baby shower, card class, hanging out at home
11. If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY what would you say? Okey-dokey
12. What is in the back seat of your car right now? Umbrella, sun shield, trashcan
13. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Giving an exam to some unhappy college students
14. If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? Johnny Depp, but only if I had never met my hubby
15. Have you ever been to a strip club? No
16. What is the best ice cream flavor? Every once in a while this answer changes, but it always goes back to cookies and cream
17. What is the last sporting event you watched? Does local drag racing count? If not, it would be part of the superbowl (just to see the commercials)
18. Ever go camping? Yes, but haven’t been in at least 10 years (had a bad camping experience in Colorado and haven’t camped since) but wouldn’t mind going again.
19. Last phone call? Mom to tell her I made it home ok.
20. Are you allergic to anything? I’m sure I’m allergic to something, but have been “diagnosed”
21. What is one thing you have learned about life recently? That office politics are the worst.
22. What do you do at work? Teach how to use computers
23. What is your mom's name? Marie
24. Ever cried for no reason? Well, that would depend on whether hormones is a reason…
25. Can you do the Crank Dat dance? No, and event if I thought I could I wouldn’t.
26. What is your favorite color to wear? Black
27. What is the longest plane ride you have ever been on? From Dallas/Ft.Worth to London
28. What is the longest road trip you have ever taken? One time when I was a kid we road tripped from Wichita, KS to Niagra Falls then back to the Great Lakes, I think it was about 2 weeks.
29. What are your turn-offs? People who believe that they are more important than everyone else and because of this idea are selfish and inconsiderate (hubby calls it the “the world is my ashtray” syndrome)
30. What was your last alcoholic beverage? A margarita
31. What are you craving right now? Lunch, something of the breaded chicken and potato and bread variety.
OH no!! You had a bad camping experience here?? Well, I have too, but I've had good ones also!! Especially now in a camper and not on the ground!! LOL It was fun to read through your answers!!!
Fun to read! Seems like everyone gets to Mexico on a cruise!
thank you for sharing ... i really loved your answers ... here is my link thank you for letting me get to know you a little...
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