Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend at Chehaw

Here where I live we have a nature park/wild animal park/BMX park/campground called the Parks at Chehaw - which I happen to volunteer at! Here is a link if anyone is curious...

Friday I was out there for Light the Night, it went so well. And Saturday I was out there for Rummage for Rhinos, a city-wide yard sale to benefit the Rhino Conservation Fund. We raised over $600 for rhinos! Yay!

So after I that I was tired and lazy the rest of the weekend, but I did make it to the gym Sunday - the pool and whirlpool were wonderful :)

Anywho, here a calendar I made for a craftshow. I don't plan to post pictures of everything I create for the craftshow, but I didn't have any other creative creations this weekend :(

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